Published Papers



L. Weissinger, S. Hubmer, R. Ramlau and H. U. Voss An Inverse Problems Approach to Pulse Wave Analysis in the Human Brain SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 18(1):60–88, 2025 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
A. Aspri and O. Scherzer Analysis of generalized iteratively regularized Landweber iterations driven by dataIn T. A. Bubba, editor, Data-driven Models in Inverse Problems, 273–302. De Gruyter, 2025 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
L. Frischauf, O. Scherzer and C. Shi Classification with neural networks with quadratic decision functionsIn T. A. Bubba, editor, Data-driven Models in Inverse Problems, 471–494. De Gruyter, 2025 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
C. Kirisits, M. Quellmalz and E. Setterqvist Generalized Fourier Diffraction Theorem and Filtered Backpropagation for Tomographic Reconstruction SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 18:665–700, 2025 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties )
S. Kindermann and S. Hubmer Norms in sinogram space and stability estimates for the Radon transform Inverse Problems, 41(2):025008, 2025 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
W. Rannetbauer, C. Hambrock, S. Hubmer and R. Ramlau Virtual Sensors and Thermal Modelling for Quality Control in Industrial Thermal Spraying Procedia Computer Science, 253:2049–2062, 2025 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )


L. Weissinger, S. Hubmer, B. Stadler and R. Ramlau 8 Singular value and frame decomposition-based reconstruction for atmospheric tomographyIn Inverse Problems on Large Scales, 151–180, 2024 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
B. Mejri and O. Scherzer An Inversion Scheme for Elastic Diffraction Tomography Based on Mode Separation SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 84(1):165–188, February, 2024 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
Y. Dong, K. Sadiq, O. Scherzer and J. C. Schotland Computational inverse scattering with internal sources: A reproducing kernel Hilbert space approach Physical Review E, 110:065302, 12, 2024 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
C. Kirisits, N. Naujoks, O. Scherzer and H. Yang Diffraction tomography for incident Herglotz waves Inverse Problems, 40(11):115007, 2024 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
W. Rannetbauer, C. Hambrock, S. Hubmer and R. Ramlau Enhancing Predictive Quality in HVOF Coating Technology: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques Procedia Computer Science, 232:1377–1387, 2024 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
E. Brunner, L. Kunze, V. Laidlaw, D. Jodlbauer, W. Drexler, et. al. Improvements on speed, stability and field of view in adaptive optics OCT for anterior retinal imaging using a pyramid wavefront sensor Biomedical Optics Express, 15(10):6098, 2024 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Multi-Modal Imaging + Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
M. C. Schneider, F. Hinterer, A. Jesacher and G. J. Schütz Interactive simulation and visualization of point spread functions in single molecule imaging Optics Communications, 560:130463, 2024 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Tomography in Astronomy + Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy | PDF )
M. Quellmalz, L. Buecher and G. Steidl Parallelly Sliced Optimal Transport on Spheres and on the Rotation Group Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 66(6):951–976, 2024 BibTeX | Subproject:  Motion Detection in Tomography and Microscopy | PDF )
W. Rannetbauer, S. Hubmer, C. Hambrock and R. Ramlau Predictive modelling of critical variables for improving HVOF coating using gamma regression models Journal of Mathematics in Industry, 14(1):, 2024 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
L. Frischauf, O. Scherzer and C. Shi Quadratic Neural Networks for Solving Inverse Problems Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 112–135, 2024 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
L. Veselka, P. Elbau, L. Mindrinos, L. Krainz and W. Drexler Quantitative parameter reconstruction from optical coherence tomographic data Inverse Problems, 40(2):025001, 2024 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Multi-Modal Imaging + Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging | PDF )
X. Li, S. Hubmer, S. Lu and R. Ramlau Regularization of Linear Inverse Problems with Irregular Noise Using Embedding Operators SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 17(4):2053–2075, 2024 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
O. Melnyk, M. Quellmalz, G. Steidl, N. Jaitner, J. Jordan and I. Sack Time-harmonic optical flow with applications in elastography Inverse Problems, 40(12):125026, 2024 BibTeX | Subproject:  Motion Detection in Tomography and Microscopy | PDF )
M. Kvaale Lovmo, S. Deng, S. Moser, R. Leitgeb, W. Drexler and M. Ritsch-Marte Ultrasound-induced reorientation for multi-angle optical coherence tomography Nature Communications, 15(1):, 2024 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Multi-Modal Imaging + Imaging of Trapped Particles | PDF )
F. Parzer, C. Kirisits and O. Scherzer Uncertainty Quantification for Scale-Space Blob Detection Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 66:697–717, 2024 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )


M. Quellmalz, L. Weissinger, S. Hubmer and P. D. Erchinger A Frame Decomposition of the Funk-Radon TransformIn Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 42–54, 2023 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Tomography in Astronomy + Motion Detection in Tomography and Microscopy | PDF )
F. Hinterer, S. Hubmer, P. Jethwa, K. M. Soodhalter, G. van de Ven and R. Ramlau A Projected Nesterov–Kaczmarz Approach to Stellar Population-Kinematic Distribution Reconstruction in Extragalactic Archaeology SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 16(1):192–222, 2023 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Tomography in Astronomy + Advancing Extragalactic Archeology through Novel Inversion Techniques | PDF )
S. Mildenberger and M. Quellmalz A double Fourier sphere method for d-dimensional manifolds Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis, 21(2):, 2023 BibTeX | Subproject:  Motion Detection in Tomography and Microscopy | PDF )
D. Gintides, S. Giogiakas and L. Mindrinos A theoretical and numerical study of oblique scattering by an inhomogeneous cylinder Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2444(1):012009, 2023 BibTeX | PDF )
D. Omogbhe and K. Sadiq An inverse source problem for linearly anisotropic radiative sources in absorbing and scattering medium Applicable Analysis, 1–16, 2023 BibTeX | PDF )
S. Hubmer, E. Sherina and R. Ramlau Characterizations of adjoint Sobolev embedding operators with applications in inverse problems Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 59:116–144, 2023 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Tomography in Astronomy + Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
P. Elbau, L. Mindrinos and L. Veselka Development of mathematical models for quantitative OCT: A review AIMS Mathematics, 8(2):2508-2531, 2023 BibTeX | Subproject:  Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging | PDF )
O. Scherzer, B. Hofmann and Z. Nashed Gauss–Newton method for solving linear inverse problems with neural network coders Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis, 21(2):, 2023 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
F. Hinterer, M. C. Schneider, S. Hubmer, M. López-Martínez, R. Ramlau and G. J. Schütz Localization of fixed dipoles at high precision by accounting for sample drift during illumination Applied Physics Letters, 123(2):, 2023 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Tomography in Astronomy + Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy | PDF )
M. Quellmalz, P. Elbau, O. Scherzer and G. Steidl Motion Detection in Diffraction Tomography by Common Circle Methods Mathematics of Computation, 2023 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging + Tomography with Uncertainties + Motion Detection in Tomography and Microscopy | PDF )
D. Omogbhe and K. Sadiq On the 𝑋-ray transform of planar symmetric tensors Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 2023 BibTeX | PDF )
K. Sadiq and A. Tamasan On the range of the 𝑋-ray transform of symmetric tensors compactly supported in the plane Inverse Problems & Imaging, 17(3):660–685, 2023 BibTeX | PDF )
F. Faucher and O. Scherzer Quantitative inverse problem in visco-acoustic media under attenuation model uncertainty Journal of Computational Physics, 472:111685, January, 2023 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
D. Schmutz, P. Elbau, M. Quellmalz, M. Ritsch-Marte, O. Scherzer and G. Steidl Rigid Motion Reconstruction in Parallel Beam and Diffraction TomographyIn Oberwolfach Reports: Tomographic Inverse Problems - Mathematical Challenges and Novel Applications, (21)41–43. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2023 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging + Tomography with Uncertainties + Motion Detection in Tomography and Microscopy | PDF )
M. Quellmalz, R. Beinert and G. Steidl Sliced optimal transport on the sphere Inverse Problems, 39(10):105005, 2023 BibTeX | Subproject:  Motion Detection in Tomography and Microscopy | PDF )
S. Hubmer, E. Sherina, R. Ramlau, M. Pircher and R. Leitgeb Subaperture-Based Digital Aberration Correction for Optical Coherence Tomography: A Novel Mathematical Approach SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 16(4):1857-1885, 2023 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Multi-Modal Imaging + Tomography in Astronomy + Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
F. Faucher and O. Scherzer Synthetic dataset for visco-acoustic imaging Data in Brief, 48:109199, 2023 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
R. Beinert and M. Quellmalz Total Variation‐Based Reconstruction and Phase Retrieval for Diffraction Tomography with an Arbitrarily Moving Object Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 22(1):, 2023 BibTeX | Subproject:  Motion Detection in Tomography and Microscopy | PDF )
F. Parzer, P. Jethwa, A. Boecker, M. Alfaro-Cuello, O. Scherzer and G. van de Ven Uncertainty-aware blob detection with an application to integrated-light stellar population recoveries Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2023 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Tomography with Uncertainties + Advancing Extragalactic Archeology through Novel Inversion Techniques | PDF )


S. Hubmer, A. Ploier, R. Ramlau, P. Fosodeder and S. van Frank A mathematical approach towards THz tomography for non-destructive imaging Inverse Problems & Imaging, 16(1):68–88, 2022 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
S. Hubmer, E. Sherina, S. Kindermann and K. Raik A numerical comparison of some heuristic stopping rules for nonlinear Landweber iteration Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 57:216–241, 2022 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Tomography in Astronomy + Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
M. K. Lovmo, S. Moser, G. Thalhammer-Thurner and M. Ritsch-Marte Acoustofluidic trapping device for high-NA multi-angle imaging Frontiers in Physics, 10:, 2022 BibTeX | Subproject:  Imaging of Trapped Particles | PDF )
A. Kittenberger, L. Mindrinos and O. Scherzer Computed Origami Tomography SIAM Review, 64(2):469–484, 2022 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
R. Boţ, G. Dong, P. Elbau and O. Scherzer Convergence Rates of First and Higher Order Dynamics for Solving Linear Ill-posed Problems Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 22:1567–1629, 2022 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging + Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
F. Faucher, C. Kirisits, M. Quellmalz, O. Scherzer and E. Setterqvist Diffraction Tomography, Fourier Reconstruction, and Full Waveform InversionIn Handbook of Mathematical Models and Algorithms in Computer Vision and Imaging, 2022 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Imaging of Trapped Particles + Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
L. Frischauf, M. Melching and O. Scherzer Diffusion tensor regularization with metric double integrals Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 30(2):163–190, 2022 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
R. Wagner, D. Saxenhuber, R. Ramlau and S. Hubmer Direction dependent point spread function reconstruction for multi-conjugate adaptive optics on giant segmented mirror telescopes Astronomy and Computing, 40:100590, 2022 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
M. C. Schneider and G. J. Schütz Don't Be Fooled by Randomness: Valid p-Values for Single Molecule Microscopy Frontiers in Bioinformatics, 2:, 2022 BibTeX | Subproject:  Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy | PDF )
F. Parzer and O. Scherzer On convergence rates of adaptive ensemble Kalman inversion for linear ill-posed problems Numerische Mathematik, 2022 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
S. Hubmer, R. Ramlau and L. Weissinger On regularization via frame decompositions with applications in tomography Inverse Problems, 38(5):055003, 2022 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
R. Chapko and L. Mindrinos On the Numerical Solution of a Hyperbolic Inverse Boundary Value Problem in Bounded Domains Mathematics, 10:750, 2022 BibTeX | PDF )
B. Stadler and R. Ramlau Performance of an iterative wavelet reconstructor for the Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY of the Extremely Large Telescope Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 8(2):, 2022 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
L. Krainz, E. Sherina, S. Hubmer, M. Liu, W. Drexler and O. Scherzer Quantitative Optical Coherence Elastography: A Novel Intensity-Based Inversion Method Versus Strain-Based Reconstructions IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 29(4: Biophotonics):1–16, July, 2022 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Multi-Modal Imaging + Tomography in Astronomy + Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
F. Hinterer, M. C. Schneider, S. Hubmer, M. López-Martinez, P. Zelger, et. al. Robust and bias-free localization of individual fixed dipole emitters achieving the Cramér Rao bound for applications in cryo-single molecule localization microscopy PLoS ONE, 17(2):e0263500, 2022 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Tomography in Astronomy + Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy | PDF )
R. Beinert and M. Quellmalz Total Variation-Based Reconstruction and Phase Retrieval for Diffraction Tomography SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 15(3):1373–1399, 2022 BibTeX | Subproject:  Motion Detection in Tomography and Microscopy | PDF )


L. Veselka, L. Krainz, L. Mindrinos, W. Drexler and P. Elbau A Quantitative Model for Optical Coherence Tomography Sensors, 21(20):6864, 2021 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Multi-Modal Imaging + Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging | PDF )
M. C. Schneider, R. Telschow, G. Mercier, M. López-Martínez, O. Scherzer and G. J. Schütz A workflow for sizing oligomeric biomolecules based on cryo single molecule localization microscopy PLoS ONE, 16(1):e0245693, 2021 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Tomography with Uncertainties + Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy | PDF )
R. Ramlau and B. Stadler An augmented wavelet reconstructor for atmospheric tomography Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 54:256–275, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
E. Sherina, L. Krainz, S. Hubmer, W. Drexler and O. Scherzer Challenges for Optical Flow Estimates in ElastographyIn Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision. SSVM 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (1)128–139, 2021 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Multi-Modal Imaging + Tomography in Astronomy + Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
M. Kvaale Lovmo, B. Pressl, G. Thalhammer and M. Ritsch-Marte Controlled orientation and sustained rotation of biological samples in a sono-optical microfluidic device Lab on a Chip, 21(8):1563–1578, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Imaging of Trapped Particles | PDF )
A. Aspri, L. Frischauf, Y. Korolev and O. Scherzer Data Driven Reconstruction Using Frames and Riesz BasesIn B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, S. Migórski and M. Sama, editors, Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control and Inverse Problems, 303–318. CRC Press, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
D. Gerth and R. Ramlau Estimating Solution Smoothness and Data Noise with Tikhonov Regularization Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 43(1):88–115, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
C. Kirisits, M. Quellmalz, M. Ritsch-Marte, O. Scherzer, E. Setterqvist and G. Steidl Fourier reconstruction for diffraction tomography of an object rotated into arbitrary orientations Inverse Problems, 37(11):115002, 2021 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Imaging of Trapped Particles + Tomography with Uncertainties + Motion Detection in Tomography and Microscopy | PDF )
S. Hubmer and R. Ramlau Frame decompositions of bounded linear operators in Hilbert spaces with applications in tomography Inverse Problems, 37(5):055001, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
M. López-Martínez, G. Mercier, K. Sadiq, O. Scherzer, M. Schneider, et. al. Inverse Problems of Single Molecule Localization MicroscopyIn B. Kaltenbacher, T. Schuster and A. Wald, editors, Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification, 323–376. Springer Nature, 2021 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Tomography with Uncertainties + Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy | PDF )
B. Stadler, R. Biasi, M. Manetti and R. Ramlau Parallel implementation of an iterative solver for atmospheric tomographyIn 2021 21st International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), 9909:123–132, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
P. Fosodeder, S. Hubmer, A. Ploier, R. Ramlau, S. van Frank and Ch. Rankl Phase-contrast TZh-CT for non-destructive testing Optics Express, 29(10):15711, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
P. Elbau, L. Mindrinos and L. Veselka Quantitative OCT reconstructions for dispersive mediaIn B. Kaltenbacher, T. Schuster and A. Wald, editors, Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification, 229–266. Springer, Cham, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging | PDF )
F. Faucher, M. V. de Hoop and O. Scherzer Reciprocity-gap misfit functional for Distributed Acoustic Sensing, combining data from passive and active sources Geophysics, 86(2):R211–R220, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
E. Brunner, J. Shatokhina, M. F. Shirazi, W. Drexler, R. Leitgeb, et. al. Retinal adaptive optics imaging with a pyramid wavefront sensor Biomedical Optics Express, 12(10):5969, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Multi-Modal Imaging | PDF )
G. J. Schütz and M. C. Schneider Single-molecule localisation microscopyIn Imaging Modalities for Biological and Preclinical Research: A Compendium, Volume 1: Part I: Ex vivo biological imaging, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy | PDF )
R. Ramlau, K. M. Soodhalter and V. Hutterer Subspace Recycling–Based Regularization Methods SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 42(4):1480–1505, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
B. Kaltenbacher, T. T. N. Nguyen and O. Scherzer The Tangential Cone Condition for Some Coefficient Identification Model Problems in Parabolic PDEsIn B. Kaltenbacher, T. Schuster and A. Wald, editors, Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification, 121–163. Springer, Cham, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
J. Niebsch and R. Ramlau Tomographic Reconstruction for Single Conjugate Adaptive OpticsIn Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification, 303–322. Springer International Publishing, February, 2021 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )


A. Aspri, S. Banert, O. Öktem and O. Scherzer A Data-Driven Iteratively Regularized Landweber Iteration Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 41(10):1190–1227, March, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
S. Hubmer, A. Neubauer, R. Ramlau and H. U. Voss A conjugate-gradient approach to the parameter estimation problem of magnetic resonance advection imaging Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 28(8):1154–1165, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
S. Hubmer and R. Ramlau A frame decomposition of the atmospheric tomography operator Inverse Problems, 36(9):094001, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
F. Hinterer, S. Hubmer and R. Ramlau A note on the minimization of a Tikhonov functional with 1-penalty Inverse Problems, 36(7):074001, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
E. M. G. Landl Actuator Command Reconstruction with 3-sided Pyramid Sensors in AO-OCTMaster thesis, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
F. Faucher and O. Scherzer Adjoint-state method for Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin discretization, application to the inverse acoustic wave problem Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 372:113406, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
A. Aspri, E. Beretta, O. Scherzer and M. Muszkieta Asymptotic Expansions for Higher Order Elliptic Equations with an Application to Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 13(4):1781–1833, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
K. Dholakia, B. W. Drinkwater and M. Ritsch-Marte Comparing acoustic and optical forces for biomedical research Nature Reviews Physics, 2(9):480–491, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Imaging of Trapped Particles | PDF )
A. Aspri, Y. Korolev and O. Scherzer Data driven regularization by projection Inverse Problems, 36(12):125009, December, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
E. Sherina, L. Krainz, S. Hubmer, W. Drexler and O. Scherzer Displacement field estimation from OCT images utilizing speckle information with applications in quantitative elastography Inverse Problems, 36(12):124003, 2020 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Multi-Modal Imaging + Tomography in Astronomy + Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
F. Faucher, O. Scherzer and H. Barucq Eigenvector Models for Solving the Seismic Inverse Problem for the Helmholtz Equation Geophysical Journal International, 221:394–414, January, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
P. Elbau, M. Ritsch-Marte, O. Scherzer and D. Schmutz Motion Reconstruction for Optical Tomography of Trapped Objects Inverse Problems, 36(4):044004, 2020 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging + Imaging of Trapped Particles + Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
R. Ramlau, Ch. Koutschan and B. Hofmann On the Singular Value Decomposition of n-Fold Integration OperatorsIn Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 237–256. Springer Singapore, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
P. Elbau, L. Mindrinos and L. Veselka Reconstructing the Optical Parameters of a Layered Medium with Optical Coherence ElastographyIn L. Beilina, M. Bergounioux, M. Christofol, A. Da Silva and A. Litman, editors, Mathematical and Numerical Approaches for Multi-Wave Inverse Problems, (328)105–126. Springer, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging | PDF )
R. Ke, R. Wagner, R. Ramlau and R. Chan Reconstruction of the High Resolution Phase in a Closed Loop Adaptive Optics System SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 13(2):775–806, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
M. Melching and O. Scherzer Regularization with metric double integrals for vector tomography Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 28(6):857–875, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
I. Shatokhina, V. Hutterer and R. Ramlau Review on methods for wavefront reconstruction from pyramid wavefront sensor data Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 6(1):1, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
R. Platzer, B. K. Rossboth, M. C. Schneider, E. Sevcsik, F. Baumgart, et. al. Unscrambling fluorophore blinking for comprehensive cluster detection via photoactivated localization microscopy Nature Communications, 11(1):, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy | PDF )
A. M. Arnold, M. C. Schneider, Ch. Hüsson, R. Sablatnig, M. Brameshuber, et. al. Verifying molecular clusters by 2-color localization microscopy and significance testing Scientific Reports, 10(1):, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy | PDF )
M. F. Shirazi, E. Brunner, M. Laslandes, A. Pollreisz, Ch. K. Hitzenberger and M. Pircher Visualizing human photoreceptor and retinal pigment epithelium cell mosaics in a single volume scan over an extended field of view with adaptive optics optical coherence tomography Biomedical Optics Express, 11(8):4520, 2020 BibTeX | Subproject:  Multi-Modal Imaging | PDF )


M. Pöttinger, R. Ramlau and G. Auzinger A new temporal control approach for SCAO systems Inverse Problems, 36(1):015002, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
R. Ramlau and L. Reichel Error estimates for Arnoldi–Tikhonov regularization for ill-posed operator equations Inverse Problems, 35(5):055002, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
T. Váradi, M. Schneider, E. Sevcsik, D. Kiesenhofer, F. Baumgart, et. al. Homo- and Heteroassociations Drive Activation of ErbB3 Biophysical Journal, 117(10):1935–1947, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy | PDF )
F. Baumgart, M. Schneider and G. J. Schütz How T Cells Do the “Search for the Needle in the Haystack” Frontiers in Physics, 7:, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy | PDF )
S. Hubmer, K. Knudsen, C. Li and E. Sherina Limited-Angle Acousto-Electrical Tomography Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 27(9):1298–1317, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
S. Moser, M. Ritsch-Marte and G. Thalhammer Model-based compensation of pixel crosstalk in liquid crystal spatial light modulators Optics Express, 27(18):25046–25063, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Imaging of Trapped Particles | PDF )
V. Hutterer, P. Janin-Potiron, I. Shatokhina, O. Fauvarque, A. Obereder, et. al. Model-based wavefront reconstruction for the pyramid sensor tested on the LOOPS benchIn 6th International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes, AO4ELT 2019, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
A. Beigl, O. Scherzer, J. Sogn and W. Zulehner Preconditioning Inverse Problems for Hyperbolic Equations with Applications to Photoacoustic Tomography Inverse Problems, 36(1):014002, December, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
V. Hutterer, R. Ramlau and I. Shatokhina Real-time adaptive optics with pyramid wavefront sensors: part I. A theoretical analysis of the pyramid sensor model Inverse Problems, 35(4):045007, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
V. Hutterer, R. Ramlau and I. Shatokhina Real-time adaptive optics with pyramid wavefront sensors: part II. Accurate wavefront reconstruction using iterative methods Inverse Problems, 35(4):045008, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
R. Ciak, M. Melching and O. Scherzer Regularization with Metric Double Integrals of Functions with Values in a Set of Vectors Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
O. Fauvarque, V. Hutterer, P. Janin-Potiron, J. Duboisset, C. Correia, et. al. The ıQuad sensor: a new Fourier-based wave front sensor derived from the 4 quadrants coronagraphIn 6th International Conference on Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes AO4ELT6, 2019 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )


C. Kirisits and O. Scherzer A Range Condition for Polyconvex Variational Regularization Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 39(10):1064-1076, 2018 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
A. Buccini, M. Donatelli and R. Ramlau A Semiblind Regularization Algorithm for Inverse Problems with Application to Image Deblurring SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40(1):A452–A483, 2018 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
S. Hubmer and R. Ramlau Nesterov's accelerated gradient method for nonlinear ill-posed problems with a locally convex residual functional Inverse Problems, 34(9):095003, 2018 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
V. Hutterer and R. Ramlau Nonlinear wavefront reconstruction methods for pyramid sensors using Landweber and Landweber-Kaczmarz iterations Applied Optics, 57(30):8790–8804, 2018 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
R. Wagner, Ch. Hofer and R. Ramlau Point spread function reconstruction for single-conjugate adaptive optics on extremely large telescopes Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 4(4):1, 2018 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
A. Beigl, P. Elbau, K. Sadiq and O. Scherzer Quantitative Photoacoustic Imaging in the Acoustic Regime using SPIM Inverse Problems, 35(4):, April, 2018 BibTeX | Subprojects:  Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging + Tomography with Uncertainties | PDF )
L. Barl, P. Baudoz, R. Bender, P. Bizenberger, T. Buey, et. al. The MICADO first light imager for the ELT: overview, operation, simulationIn Hideki Takami, Christopher J. Evans and Luc Simard, editors, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, 64. SPIE, July, 2018 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )
V. Hutterer, I. Shatokhina, A. Obereder and R. Ramlau Advanced wavefront reconstruction methods for segmented Extremely Large Telescope pupils using pyramid sensors Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 4(4):1 – 18, 2018 BibTeX | Subproject:  Tomography in Astronomy | PDF )