“I recently joined the applied mathematics group of Gabriele Steidl at TU Berlin. Currently, I’m working on modelling the movement of single molecules in an environment of molecule clusters. My work also covers the estimation of model parameters from simulated, as well as measured data. While we start with classical Gaussian mixture models, we will investigate machine learning techniques for analysing the movement data. I’m very happy to collaborate with the group of Gerhard Schütz, who have a lot of experience with the corresponding microscopy methods”.
Christian did his PhD in Mathematics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on the topic of p-adic quantum groups. Thereafter, he joined the radiology group of Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin, where conducted research on deep learning for cardiac CT and image reconstruction with unrolled neural networks for multi-coil radial MRI.
We feel privileged to welcome Christian into our SFB family and foresee great things ahead.