Science Meets Kids: The Fascinating World of Computed Tomography

During the 22nd Vienna Children’s University, young students aged 7 to 12 had the opportunity to dive into the fascinating world of computed tomography. Noemi Naujoks, Axel Kittenberger and Denise Schmutz gave an engaging lecture featuring Paula the Sloth as a fun and relatable example for the children.

The lecture was held twice to accommodate the interest, with around 180 children attending both sessions. The interactive format provided the children with not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experiences. Through experiments, a quiz, and special math exercises, the children learned how computed tomography works and the role mathematics plays in it.

For those who missed the event or want to test their knowledge, you can try our tomography quiz

New publication in Nature Communications combining acoustic trapping and OCT

The paper titled “Ultrasound-induced reorientation for multi-angle optical coherence tomography” by Mia Kvåle Løvmo, Shiyu Deng, Simon Moser, Rainer Leitgeb, Wolfgang Drexler and Monika Ritsch-Marte was recently published in Nature Communications.

The subprojects in Multi-Modal Imaging and Imaging of Trapped Particles joined forces and developed a novel strategy for acquiring multi-angle OCT by acoustic object reorientation.

Along with a model-based algorithm to fuse the multi-angle data from a priori unknown illumination angles, the strategy enables 3D reconstruction of samples such as embryos and organoids.  

Update June 3, 2024: We are pleased to announce that the paper published in Nature Communications was recently cited in the national newspaper Der Standard. The link to the article can be found here.

International Day of Mathematics

«Playing with Math» was the theme of this year’s International Day of Mathematics on March 14th. Several scientific institutions, including the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology, and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, collaborated to explore intriguing mathematical concepts in a playful manner.

Axel Kittenberger and Noemi Naujoks demonstrated how a computer tomograph works and explained the fascinating mathematics behind it. They showcased the Origami Tomograph developed by CSC, which reconstructs a transparent 3D object from light projections. A special highlight was a quiz that encouraged participants to play the role of a tomograph and guess the underlying object from projection data.

PhD defense: Leopold Veselka

We are happy to announce that Leopold Veselka, PhD student in the Sub-project Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging, has successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title “Reconstruction of optical parameters in quantitative optical coherence tomography” on 9th of January, 2024.

Leopold’s doctoral study was supervised by Peter Elbau, the principal investigator of the Sub-project Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging affiliated with the Faculaty of Mathematics, University of Vienna. Congratulations from the SFB colleagues!

Workshop: “Tomographic Reconstructions and their Startling Applications”

We are inviting to the Workshop “Tomographic Reconstructions and their Startling Applications” at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) from March 15 until March 26. Due to the current restrictions, the conference will be held as an online event.

The workshop is organized within this SFB research program and is centered around the mathematical and experimental problems related to the applications studied in this project, involving adaptive optics, optical coherence tomography, photoacoustics, and superresolution imaging.