Vacancy: New PhD position
The Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences (VISESS) has a vacancy for a fully funded PhD position within the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy at the University of Vienna.
This PhD position is part of our interdisciplinary SFB project with the title “Interdisciplinary Advances in Extragalactic Archaeology” . Please find more information here.
PhD defence: Magdalena Schneider
We are happy to announce that Magdalena Schneider, PhD student in Sub-project Superresolution Microscopy, defended successfully her PhD thesis on 20th of October, 2021.
Magdalena was a PhD student under the supervision of Gerhard Schütz, principal investigator of Sub-project Superresolution Microscopy, at the Institute of Applied Physics at the TU Wien. Her thesis title is “Statistical analysis of biomolecular clustering and oligomerization” and can be found here.
Currently, she is working as a postdoctoral researcher in the SFB.
Prolongation of the SFB “Tomography Across the Scales”
We are more than happy to announce that the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) decided to extend the duration of the Special Research Program “Tomography Across the Scales” for a second funding period, until February 2026.
All involved sub-projects have been granted and our team will grow with the addition of Glenn van de Ven’s group (University of Vienna) and Gabriele Steidl’s group (TU Berlin – needs additional approval from DFG).
New open positions will be advertised soon!
ESI Workshop: Tomographic Reconstructions and their Startling Applications
The online Workshop at the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) has just started. This is a two-weeks event with more than 50 international researchers participating.
In the first week (March, 15th – 18th), we have mainly talks from applied mathematicians presenting results on tomographic reconstructions while the second week (March, 23th – 25th) covers the practical applications of such methods in astronomy and medical imaging. See the full program here.
Registration is free. You just have to contact Peter Elbau.
How mathematics provide a sharper view into the cosmos
Ronny Ramlau and Simon Hubmer gave an interview at the newspaper “DerStandard” presenting the mathematics behind the correction mechanism of the European extremely large telescope. Read the full article here (in German).
Women in Physics: Monika Ritsch-Marte, from Theory to Applied Optics
Monika Ritsch-Marte presented her research in applied optics at the blog of Andrea Navarro-Quezada at the Newspaper “Der Standard”. Here you can read the whole article in German.
Mini-symposium in IPMS 2O21
The Tenth International Conference “Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation” (IPMS2021) has now been postponed to May 22 –28, 2022. The conference takes place in Malta.
We are happy to announce that we are organizing a mini-symposium entitled “Mathematical Methods in Tomography Across the Scales” related to our SFB. The speakers are members and associated members of the SFB.
See more about this mini-symposium!
Sixth Internal Meeting: Research and future plans!
The 6th Internal Meeting took place virtually on November 30th and December 1st. Unfortunately, we could not meet in person due to the current circumstances but this online meeting gave us the opportunity to be all together in an online room.
In this meeting, very interesting talks were presented from our members and associate members of the SFB. The principal investigators presented the current status of research and future plans. Gabriele Steidl (TU Berlin, Germany) and Glenn van de Ven (University of Vienna) presented their research interests and ideas for future collaborations within the SFB.
Hopefully we can meet in person again in Obergurgl in March!
Screenshot from M. Schneider’s talk. Screenshot from M. Kvåle Løvmo’s talk.
Screenshot from P. Elbau’s talk. Screenshot from G. Schütz’s talk.
Publication in Nature Communications by M. Schneider and G. Schütz
We are happy to announce that Magdalena Schneider and Gerhard Schütz, members of the SFB, have contributed to a recent publication in Nature Communications. The paper entitled “Unscrambling fluorophore blinking for comprehensive cluster detection via photoactivated localization microscopy” provides a methodology for determining and optimizing the blinking behaviour of any PALM-compatible fluorophore.
The full article can be found here.