16th SFB Internal Meeting in Strobl

From 1 to 5 July, the 16th SFB internal meeting was held in a nice venue at Wolfgangsee lake in Strobl. The summer meeting between SFB members is an opportunity to share recent progress in the eight different projects and future research directions. We were honoured to have three internationally renowned professors as invited speakers, Markus Grasmair, John Schotland, Ivo Ihrke, Andrea Aspri and Alina Boecker along with researchers and PhD students from Austrian institutions of excellence (RICAM, University of Vienna) and Germany.

During the meeting, we celebrated the 60th birthday of one of the SFB project leaders, Professor Otmar Scherzer.

Professor Otmar Scherzer is an internationally recognised mathematician known for his work in the fields of applied mathematics, particularly in inverse problems, imaging, and numerical analysis.

SFB goes to the 11th IPMS 2024

Two of our SFB members, Peter Elbau and Otmar Scherzer, together with team members from the Computational Science Center (CSC) of the University of Vienna and the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (Ricam), Linz, attended the 11th International Conference “Inverse Problems: Modelling and Simulation” (IPMS 2024) in Malta as invited speakers to mini-symposia. The conference, one of the most prominent in the field, aims to bring together scientists working on inverse problems with different areas of expertise, such as mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science, medicine, and material science to provide a fruitful ground for discussion on the latest advances in theory and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.

IPMS 2024 group picture.
Presentation by Peter Elbau and Otmar Scherzer at IPMS 2024.

Fifteenth Internal SFB Meeting

From 27th to 30th of November the annual SFB Internal Meeting in Obergurgl in Tyrol, Austria, took place. SFB members and invited international participants were giving an insight into their latest research and used the chance to exchange ideas on further research.
Fortunately the weather conditions gave the participants the chance to explore the beautiful area surrounding the University Center in Obergurgl.

PhD defense: Fabian Hinterer

We are happy to announce that Fabian Hinterer, PhD student in Sub-project Tomography with Astronomy, defended successfully his PhD thesis with the title “Inverse Problems in Imaging Applications Across the Scales” on 3rd of November, 2023. A link to his thesis can be found here.

Fabian was a PhD student under the supervision of Ronny Ramlau, principal investigator of Sub-project Tomography in Astronomy, at the Industrial Mathematics Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Members of the SFB took part in Fabian’s ceremony and presented him with a joint gift afterwards!

We congratulate!

PhD defense: Fabian Parzer

We are happy to announce that Fabian Parzer, PhD student in Sub-project Tomography with Uncertainties, defended successfully his PhD thesis with the title “Low-Rank and Scale-Space Methods for Imaging with Uncertainty Quantification” on 25th of October, 2023.

Fabian was a PhD student under the supervision of Otmar Scherzer, principal investigator of Sub-project Tomography with Uncertainties, at the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Vienna.

Colleagues from the SFB project and the Computational Science Center gathered in the evening to celebrate with Fabian his successful defense.

We congratulate!

SFB goes to the AIP23

In the first week of September the 11th Applied Inverse Problems Conference took place in Göttingen, Germany. Eight of our SFB project coordinators and members participated at this conference. All participants used the opportunity to present their recent and ongoing research in various minisymposia. In addition, four minisymposia at this conference were organized by Peter Elbau, Ekaterina Sherina, Michael Quellmalz and Leopold Veselka.

SFB Members at the ICIAM23

Two SFB members, Fabian Hinterer and Leopold Veselka, were invited to the ICIAM23 Conference in Tokyo, Japan, where they had the chance to present their newest results in the minisymposium under the name “Recent Developments in Applied Inverse Problems”.
Both speakers would like to express their gratitude to the organizers Hiroshi Fujiwara and Kamran Sadiq for the invitation and the warm welcome in Tokyo.

SFB Members at the RICAM – Special Semester

From 10th to 21st of October, the first two workshop-weeks of the RICAM Special Semester “Tomography across the Scales” took place at the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics in Linz. There, Fabian Hinterer, Simon Hubmer, Michael Quellmalz, Ekaterina Sherina and Leopold Veselka, all members of the mathematical subprojects within the SFB project, were invited to present their latest scientific advances to an audience of experts in the various fields of Inverse Problems.
Furthermore, the members got the chance to exchange ideas with other researchers and to benefit from external input.
We express our gratitude to the organizers for the invitation and the hospitality during these perfectly organized workshops!

Mini-symposium in IPMS 2O21

The Tenth International Conference “Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation” (IPMS2021) has now been postponed to May 22 –28, 2022. The conference takes place in Malta.

We are happy to announce that we are organizing a mini-symposium entitled “Mathematical Methods in Tomography Across the Scales” related to our SFB. The speakers are members and associated members of the SFB.

See more about this mini-symposium!