16th SFB Internal Meeting in Strobl

From 1 to 5 July, the 16th SFB internal meeting was held in a nice venue at Wolfgangsee lake in Strobl. The summer meeting between SFB members is an opportunity to share recent progress in the eight different projects and future research directions. We were honoured to have three internationally renowned professors as invited speakers, Markus Grasmair, John Schotland, Ivo Ihrke, Andrea Aspri and Alina Boecker along with researchers and PhD students from Austrian institutions of excellence (RICAM, University of Vienna) and Germany.

During the meeting, we celebrated the 60th birthday of one of the SFB project leaders, Professor Otmar Scherzer.

Professor Otmar Scherzer is an internationally recognised mathematician known for his work in the fields of applied mathematics, particularly in inverse problems, imaging, and numerical analysis.

Mia Kvåle Lømvo received the Best Scientific Paper Award 2024

We are pleased to announce that our SFB member, Mia Kvåle Lømvo, received the Best Scientific Paper Award 2024 of the PhD Programme Image-Guided Diagnosis and Therapy at the Life Science PhD Meeting Innsbruck in April 2024.

This award recognizes Mia’s significant contribution to the paper “Ultrasound-induced reorientation for multi-angle optical coherence tomography” recently published in Nature Communications with Shiyu Deng, Simon Moser, Rainer Leitgeb, Wolfgang Drexler, and Monika Ritsch-Marte.

Best Scientific Paper Award 2024
Image Source: Medizinische Universität Innsbruck.

SFB at the RICAM – Special Semester

Currently, the autumn school as part of the Special Semester “Tomography Across the Scales” takes places at the RICAM in Linz. Peter Elbau, one of our project leaders, was invited to give an introductory lecture on the mathematics behind optical coherence tomography. The audience, including several members of SFB, warmly welcomed the intuitive and very well presented lecture on this highly complex topic.