
Subproject: Multi-Modal Imaging (F6803-N36)
Part of Adaptive Optics and Quantitative Imaging

Subproject: Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging (F6804-N36)
Part of Quantitative Imaging and Trapped Particles

Subproject: Tomography in Astronomy (F6805-N36)
Part of Adaptive Optics

Subproject: Imaging of Trapped Particles (F6806-N36)
Part of Trapped Particles

Subproject: Tomography with Uncertainties (F6807-N36)
Part of Extragalactic Archaeology, Quantitative Imaging, Superresolution Microscopy and Trapped Particles

Subproject: Ultra-high Resolution Microscopy (F6809-N36)
Part of Superresolution Microscopy

Subproject: Motion Detection in Tomography and Microscopy (495365311)
Part of Superresolution Microscopy and Trapped Particles

Subproject: Advancing Extragalactic Archeology through Novel Inversion Techniques (F6811-N36)
Part of Extragalactic Archaeology