We are pleased to announce that the paper A mathematical framework for nonlinear wavefront reconstruction in adaptive optics systems with Fourier-type wavefront sensing, co-authored by our SFB member, Victoria Hutterer, together with Andreas Neubauer and Julia Shatokhina, has been selected to be part of the special celebratory collections of articles published in 2023 by researchers in Austria. This achievement highlights the cutting-edge research of the subproject Tomography in Astronomy – Adaptive Optics led by prof. Ronny Ramlau.
SFB Members at the RICAM – Special Semester
From 10th to 21st of October, the first two workshop-weeks of the RICAM Special Semester “Tomography across the Scales” took place at the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics in Linz. There, Fabian Hinterer, Simon Hubmer, Michael Quellmalz, Ekaterina Sherina and Leopold Veselka, all members of the mathematical subprojects within the SFB project, were invited to present their latest scientific advances to an audience of experts in the various fields of Inverse Problems.
Furthermore, the members got the chance to exchange ideas with other researchers and to benefit from external input.
We express our gratitude to the organizers for the invitation and the hospitality during these perfectly organized workshops!

Vacancy: New PhD position
The Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences (VISESS) has a vacancy for a fully funded PhD position within the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy at the University of Vienna.
This PhD position is part of our interdisciplinary SFB project with the title “Interdisciplinary Advances in Extragalactic Archaeology” . Please find more information here.
ESI Workshop: Tomographic Reconstructions and their Startling Applications
The online Workshop at the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) has just started. This is a two-weeks event with more than 50 international researchers participating.
In the first week (March, 15th – 18th), we have mainly talks from applied mathematicians presenting results on tomographic reconstructions while the second week (March, 23th – 25th) covers the practical applications of such methods in astronomy and medical imaging. See the full program here.
Registration is free. You just have to contact Peter Elbau.
How mathematics provide a sharper view into the cosmos
SFB goes online!
The 5th Internal Meeting and the 4th Member Workshop took place online on September 1st and 2nd, respectively. After the cancellation of the previous meetings due to Covid-19, we managed to meet after a long time (at least online).
In the internal meeting, we had the opportunity to listen to interesting talks from external members of the SFB and participate in special sessions of the collaborating sub-projects. The member workshop consisted of member talks and talks from associated members with potential application to the scope of the SFB. The members elect Simon Hubmer and Ekaterina Sherina as the new member speaker and vice-speaker, respectively.
Hopefully we can meet in person again in Bad Mitterndorf at the end of November.
Group photo.
Adaptive optics in ophthalmic imaging
Günter Auzinger (JKU, Linz), associate member at Tomography in Astronomy group, writes on ECMI Blog:
A problem at the low end of the scale
Fabian Hinterer, soon employed as PhD student at Tomography in Astronomy group, writes on ECMI Blog:
Günter Auzinger has a golden brain
The Whole is more than the Sum of its Bricks
The sub-project Tomography in Astronomy on ECMI Blog: