Two SFB members, Fabian Hinterer and Leopold Veselka, were invited to the ICIAM23 Conference in Tokyo, Japan, where they had the chance to present their newest results in the minisymposium under the name “Recent Developments in Applied Inverse Problems”. Both speakers would like to express their gratitude to the organizers Hiroshi Fujiwara and Kamran Sadiq for the invitation and the warm welcome in Tokyo.
“I recently completed my PhD in the field of optical tweezers with a focus on force and torque measurements, supervised by Monika Ritsch-Marte and Gregor Thalhammer. Now I am a postdoc in the SFB, in the subproject ‘Imaging of Trapped Particles’, where I work together with Mia Kvåle Løvmo and Simon Moser on phase measurements of acoustically trapped objects. Being part of the SFB project is a fantastic opportunity for me to collaborate with other researchers”.
We are honoured to have Franziska as part of our team and look forward to her contributions ahead.
“I recently joined the applied mathematics group of Gabriele Steidl at TU Berlin. Currently, I’m working on modelling the movement of single molecules in an environment of molecule clusters. My work also covers the estimation of model parameters from simulated, as well as measured data. While we start with classical Gaussian mixture models, we will investigate machine learning techniques for analysing the movement data. I’m very happy to collaborate with the group of Gerhard Schütz, who have a lot of experience with the corresponding microscopy methods”.
Christian did his PhD in Mathematics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on the topic of p-adic quantum groups. Thereafter, he joined the radiology group of Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin, where conducted research on deep learning for cardiac CT and image reconstruction with unrolled neural networks for multi-coil radial MRI.
We feel privileged to welcome Christian into our SFB family and foresee great things ahead.
The Special Semester on “Tomography Across the Scales” concluded with its final workshop on “Inverse Problems in Large Scales” and spanned the interval between 28 November – 2 December 2022.
Fabian Hinterer during his talk
There, SFB member Fabian Hinterer gave a talk on “a projected Nesterov-Kaczmarz approach to stellar population distribution reconstruction in Extragalactic Archaeology” in the presence of experts spanning the various mathematical branches that are connected to inverse problems. Other SFB members were also participants, including organisers Otmar Scherzer and Ronny Ramlau, as well as Peter Elbau, Michael Quellmalz, Ekaterina Sherina, Simon Hubmer and Kemal Raik.
(Right to Left: Jikai Yan, Otmar Scherzer, Ronny Ramlau, Simon Hubmer, Peter Elbau, Fabian Hinterer, Ekaterina Sherina, Michael Quellmalz, Kemal Raik)
We would once again like to thank the organisers for their hospitality and providing the platform for experts in the area to share and exchange ideas.
Professor Otmar Scherzer gave a talk on Wednesday 16 November 2022 for the IAS Programme on Inverse Problems, Imaging and Partial Differential Equations on “Inverse Problems for Acoustic Attenuating Media”.
From 26th to 29th of September 2022, the SFB members and project associates met in person for the Fifth SFB Member Meeting, which took place at the “Hois’n Wirt” Hotel in Gmunden. This was the first member meeting held in the second funding period of the SFB project and also the first one after covid-19 restrictions. All participants had a chance to present and discuss their work and broader research interests related to their sub-projects in a casual atmosphere. The members enjoyed the enlightening variety of topics reflected in the event program, fruitful interdisciplinary collaboration discussions and a hike up Grünberg and Laudachsee.
A big thanks to all members for their active participation and also to the member speaker Ekaterina Sherina for organizing this event!
On May 20, 2022 Ekaterina Sherina, Simon Hubmer, and Axel Kittenberger presented the SFB Tomography Across the Scales at the Austrian Science Festival: “Lange Nacht der Forschung“. To make tomography tangible we showcased our “optical DIY tomograph” described in Computed Origami Tomography.