Third internal meeting is finished! Report and pictures
The Third Internal Meeting of the SFB Project “Tomography Across the Scales” took place in Obergurgl (Tirol) from December 1 to 5, 2019. More than 30 researchers participated giving interesting talks and with their fruitful discussions helped the members of the SFB to continue their research in the right direction. Along with the 3rd meeting we had the PI and member meetings where we discussed the progress of the common projects and the organization of the future events. Continue reading “Third internal meeting is finished! Report and pictures”
Otmar Scherzer in ECMI Annual Report
Otmar Scherzer gave an interview to the ECMI Annual Report 2018: “Mathematics with industry: driving innovation”. He describes how the field of industrial mathematics evolved over the last years and his recent research projects, focusing on the SFB project “Tomography across the scales”. The Report is edited by A. Münch (University of Oxford) and the interview was conducted by L. Mindrinos (RICAM, Linz). You can read the whole report here.
Optical Tomography of Trapped Objects
Presence in the celebration of University of Innsbruck 350th anniversary

Benedikt Pressl and Mia Kvåle Løvmo, members of the sub-project Imaging of Trapped Particles presented part of their work related to the SFB at the events “Campus Tage Technik” in April and “Fest der Wissenschaft” in June, as part of the 350th anniversary of the University of Innsbruck.
Scientists working at the Campus Technik presented aspects of their research (small presentations and experiments) to more than 1500 pupils. Benedikt was the coordinator and together with Mia, Franziska Strasser, Simon Moser, Alexander Jesacher, Lisa Bodner, Nicola Bregenzer and Martin Bawart gave hands-on experiments and exciting presentations about Optical tweezers and Lasers.
Monika Ritsch-Marte: Member in Leopoldina
Second SFB Member Meeting
From September 10 to 13, 2019, the second SFB Member Workshop took place in Strobl am Wolfgangsee. This year, the regular and associated members presented recent results and discussed about future work. The PI’s were also invited to share their insights on the different projects and give status reports. Besides that, the members used the free time for a hike to the top of Bleckwand and a boat trip across the lake Wolfgang. It was another great meeting organized by Denise Schmutz.
Laser, Lightning and Thunder
On the 16th of July 2019 SFB coordinator Otmar Scherzer explained in the widely read newspaper “Kronenzeitung” within the weekly column “Krone der Wissensschaft” the general principles of tomography and in of particular photoacoustic tomography. The article is available in print only, but can be acquired here.
SFB goes to Banff, Canada
Otmar Scherzer was a member of the organizing committee of the “Reconstruction Methods for Inverse Problems” workshop in Banff, Canada, June 23-28, 2019. This workshop brought together researchers working on inverse problems coming from medical imaging, non destructive testing, computer vision and geophysics. The PI of sub-project “Quantitative Coupled Physics Imaging”, Peter Elbau and the post-doctoral researcher of the sub-project “Tomography with Uncertainties”, Ekaterina Sherina presented their recent work related to our SFB project.