Posted on 05/04/201918/03/2021Günter Auzinger has a golden brain The sub-project Tomography in Astronomy on ECMI Blog: Günter Auzinger has a golden brain by Elisabeth Hager, JKU Linz Günter Auzinger (Johannes Kepler University Linz) is the Science Slam Winner 2018! It all began on March 20, 2018 when he did his first show at Posthof Linz and where h… ECMI
Posted on 21/02/201818/03/2021The Whole is more than the Sum of its Bricks The sub-project Tomography in Astronomy on ECMI Blog: The Whole is more than the Sum of its Bricks The AAO team of the Industrial Mathematics Institute of the JKU Linz has gained profound experience in the fields of adaptive optics during the ELT-project with ESO. Based on this expertise, the AA… ECMI