Professor Otmar Scherzer has been named Fellow by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)

We are thrilled to announce that our Speaker, Otmar Scherzer, has been named a SIAM Fellow of the 2025 Class, a prestigious recognition reserved for researchers who have made outstanding contributions and service to the community in Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Professor Scherzer has been nominated for his prolific and profound research in the field of inverse and ill-posed problems, with breakthrough results in regularization theory, tomography, and the mathematics of imaging. This is the latest in a long line of awards and recognitions, including the Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society, the START Prize of the Austrian Science Fund, the Prize of the Tyrolean Science Foundation and the Distinguished Scientist Award of IPIA, to name a few.

Congratulations, Otmar!


Victoria Hutterer’s paper is selected as part of 2023 special IOPscience celebratory collection

We are pleased to announce that the paper A mathematical framework for nonlinear wavefront reconstruction in adaptive optics systems with Fourier-type wavefront sensing, co-authored by our SFB member, Victoria Hutterer, together with Andreas Neubauer and Julia Shatokhina, has been selected to be part of the special celebratory collections of articles published in 2023 by researchers in Austria. This achievement highlights the cutting-edge research of the subproject Tomography in Astronomy – Adaptive Optics led by prof. Ronny Ramlau.

PhD defense: Mia Kvåle Løvmo

We are pleased to announce that Mia Kvåle Løvmo, PhD student in the Subproject Imaging of Trapped Particles, defended her PhD thesis with the title “Rotational manipulation of trapped biological samples in acoustofluidic platforms for tomography” on 10 July 2024, and passed with distinction.

Mia’s doctoral study was supervised by Monika Ritsch-Marte, the principal investigator of the Subproject Imaging of Trapped Particles and the Director of the Institute of Biomedical Physics at the Medical University of Innsbruck. Congratulations from the SFB colleagues!

16th SFB Internal Meeting in Strobl

From 1 to 5 July, the 16th SFB internal meeting took place at a beautiful venue of Lake Wolfgangsee in Strobl. This annual summer meeting offers SFB members a valuable opportunity to share recent progress in the eight different projects and discuss future research directions. We were honored to host three internationally renowned professors as invited speakers – Markus Grasmair, John Schotland, and Ivo Ihrke – as well as early-career researchers Andrea Aspri and Alina Boecker. Researchers and PhD students from Austrian institutions of excellence (RICAM, University of Vienna) and Germany also participated in the meeting.

Group picture at Wolfgangsee.

Katja and Simon, on behalf of the SFB members, presenting gifts to professor Otmar Scherzer.

During the event, we celebrated the 60th birthday of the SFB Speaker, Professor Otmar Scherzer.

Professor Otmar Scherzer is an internationally recognized mathematician known for his work in applied mathematics, particularly in the fields of inverse problems, imaging, and numerical analysis. He has received numerous awards, including the Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society in 1998 and the START-Prize from the Austria Science Fund (FWF). He will also be an invited speaker at the Applied Inverse Problems (AIP) Conference in Brazil in 2025.

Mia Kvåle Lømvo received the Best Scientific Paper Award 2024

We are pleased to announce that our SFB member, Mia Kvåle Lømvo, received the Best Scientific Paper Award 2024 of the PhD Programme Image-Guided Diagnosis and Therapy at the Life Science PhD Meeting Innsbruck in April 2024.

This award recognizes Mia’s significant contribution to the paper “Ultrasound-induced reorientation for multi-angle optical coherence tomography” recently published in Nature Communications with Shiyu Deng, Simon Moser, Rainer Leitgeb, Wolfgang Drexler, and Monika Ritsch-Marte.

Best Scientific Paper Award 2024
Image Source: Medizinische Universität Innsbruck.

SFB goes to the 11th IPMS 2024

Two of our SFB members, Peter Elbau and Otmar Scherzer, together with team members from the Computational Science Center (CSC) of the University of Vienna and the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (Ricam), Linz, attended the 11th International Conference “Inverse Problems: Modelling and Simulation” (IPMS 2024) in Malta as invited speakers to mini-symposia. The conference, one of the most prominent in the field, aims to bring together scientists working on inverse problems with different areas of expertise, such as mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science, medicine, and material science to provide a fruitful ground for discussion on the latest advances in theory and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.

IPMS 2024 group picture.
Presentation by Peter Elbau and Otmar Scherzer at IPMS 2024.

Fifteenth Internal SFB Meeting

From 27th to 30th of November the annual SFB Internal Meeting in Obergurgl in Tyrol, Austria, took place. SFB members and invited international participants were giving an insight into their latest research and used the chance to exchange ideas on further research.
Fortunately the weather conditions gave the participants the chance to explore the beautiful area surrounding the University Center in Obergurgl.

PhD defense: Fabian Hinterer

We are happy to announce that Fabian Hinterer, PhD student in Sub-project Tomography with Astronomy, defended successfully his PhD thesis with the title “Inverse Problems in Imaging Applications Across the Scales” on 3rd of November, 2023. A link to his thesis can be found here.

Fabian was a PhD student under the supervision of Ronny Ramlau, principal investigator of Sub-project Tomography in Astronomy, at the Industrial Mathematics Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Members of the SFB took part in Fabian’s ceremony and presented him with a joint gift afterwards!

We congratulate!

PhD defense: Fabian Parzer

We are happy to announce that Fabian Parzer, PhD student in Sub-project Tomography with Uncertainties, defended successfully his PhD thesis with the title “Low-Rank and Scale-Space Methods for Imaging with Uncertainty Quantification” on 25th of October, 2023.

Fabian was a PhD student under the supervision of Otmar Scherzer, principal investigator of Sub-project Tomography with Uncertainties, at the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Vienna.

Colleagues from the SFB project and the Computational Science Center gathered in the evening to celebrate with Fabian his successful defense.

We congratulate!

Sixth SFB Member Meeting

From 12th to 15th of September this year’s SFB Member Meeting took place in Wildalpen in Styria, Austria. Aside from presenting interesting topics on and related to the ongoing research, the SFB members gathered and used the opportunity to exchange with their collaborators from other projects.

The evening activities, a very informative quiz organized by Fabian Hinterer and a campfire, rounded off wonderfully this event which was perfectly organized by our member speaker Ekaterina Sherina.
We would like to thank the members for their participation at this year’s event!