We are thrilled to announce that our Speaker, Otmar Scherzer, has been named a SIAM Fellow of the 2025 Class, a prestigious recognition reserved for researchers who have made outstanding contributions and service to the community in Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Professor Scherzer has been nominated for his prolific and profound research in the field of inverse and ill-posed problems, with breakthrough results in regularization theory, tomography, and the mathematics of imaging. This is the latest in a long line of awards and recognitions, including the Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society, the START Prize of the Austrian Science Fund, the Prize of the Tyrolean Science Foundation and the Distinguished Scientist Award of IPIA, to name a few.
Congratulations, Otmar!
Source: https://www.siam.org/publications/siam-news/articles/siam-announces-2025-class-of-fellows/