SFB Members at the RICAM – Special Semester

From 10th to 21st of October, the first two workshop-weeks of the RICAM Special Semester “Tomography across the Scales” took place at the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics in Linz. There, Fabian Hinterer, Simon Hubmer, Michael Quellmalz, Ekaterina Sherina and Leopold Veselka, all members of the mathematical subprojects within the SFB project, were invited to present their latest scientific advances to an audience of experts in the various fields of Inverse Problems.
Furthermore, the members got the chance to exchange ideas with other researchers and to benefit from external input.
We express our gratitude to the organizers for the invitation and the hospitality during these perfectly organized workshops!

SFB at the RICAM – Special Semester

Currently, the autumn school as part of the Special Semester “Tomography Across the Scales” takes places at the RICAM in Linz. Peter Elbau, one of our project leaders, was invited to give an introductory lecture on the mathematics behind optical coherence tomography. The audience, including several members of SFB, warmly welcomed the intuitive and very well presented lecture on this highly complex topic.

SFB Member Meeting in Gmunden

From 26th to 29th of September 2022, the SFB members and project associates met in person for the Fifth SFB Member Meeting, which took place at the “Hois’n Wirt” Hotel in Gmunden. This was the first member meeting held in the second funding period of the SFB project and also the first one after covid-19 restrictions. All participants had a chance to present and discuss their work and broader research interests related to their sub-projects in a casual atmosphere. The members enjoyed the enlightening variety of topics reflected in the event program, fruitful interdisciplinary collaboration discussions and a hike up Grünberg and Laudachsee.

A big thanks to all members for their active participation and also to the member speaker Ekaterina Sherina for organizing this event!

Prolongation of the SFB “Tomography Across the Scales”

We are more than happy to announce that the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) decided to extend the duration of the Special Research Program “Tomography Across the Scales” for a second funding period, until February 2026.

All involved sub-projects have been granted and our team will grow with the addition of Glenn van de Ven’s group (University of Vienna) and Gabriele Steidl’s group (TU Berlin – needs additional approval from DFG).

New open positions will be advertised soon!

Mini-symposium in IPMS 2O21

The Tenth International Conference “Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation” (IPMS2021) has now been postponed to May 22 –28, 2022. The conference takes place in Malta.

We are happy to announce that we are organizing a mini-symposium entitled “Mathematical Methods in Tomography Across the Scales” related to our SFB. The speakers are members and associated members of the SFB.

See more about this mini-symposium!

Sixth Internal Meeting: Research and future plans!

The 6th Internal Meeting took place virtually on November 30th and December 1st. Unfortunately, we could not meet in person due to the current circumstances but this online meeting gave us the opportunity to be all together in an online room.

In this meeting, very interesting talks were presented from our members and associate members of the SFB. The principal investigators presented the current status of research and future plans. Gabriele Steidl (TU Berlin, Germany) and Glenn van de Ven (University of Vienna) presented their research interests and ideas for future collaborations within the SFB.

Hopefully we can meet in person again in Obergurgl in March!

SFB goes online!

The 5th Internal Meeting and the 4th Member Workshop took place online on September 1st and 2nd, respectively. After the cancellation of the previous meetings due to Covid-19, we managed to meet after a long time (at least online).

In the internal meeting, we had the opportunity to listen to interesting talks from external members of the SFB and participate in special sessions of the collaborating sub-projects. The member workshop consisted of member talks and talks from associated members with potential application to the scope of the SFB. The members elect Simon Hubmer and Ekaterina Sherina as the new member speaker and vice-speaker, respectively.

Hopefully we can meet in person again in Bad Mitterndorf at the end of November.

Third internal meeting is finished! Report and pictures

The Third Internal Meeting of the SFB Project “Tomography Across the Scales” took place in Obergurgl (Tirol) from December 1 to 5, 2019. More than 30 researchers participated giving interesting talks and with their fruitful discussions helped the members of the SFB to continue their research in the right direction. Along with the 3rd meeting we had the PI and member meetings where we discussed the progress of the common projects and the organization of the future events. Continue reading “Third internal meeting is finished! Report and pictures”

Otmar Scherzer in ECMI Annual Report

Otmar Scherzer gave an interview to the ECMI Annual Report 2018: “Mathematics with industry: driving innovation”. He describes how the field of industrial mathematics evolved over the last years and his recent research projects, focusing on the SFB project “Tomography across the scales”. The Report is edited by A. Münch (University of Oxford) and the interview was conducted by L. Mindrinos (RICAM, Linz). You can read the whole report here.