We welcome a new member: Franziska Strasser

Dr Franziska Strasser

I recently completed my PhD in the field of optical tweezers with a focus on force and torque measurements, supervised by Monika Ritsch-Marte and Gregor Thalhammer. Now I am a postdoc in the SFB, in the subproject ‘Imaging of Trapped Particles’, where I work together with Mia Kvåle Løvmo and Simon Moser on phase measurements of acoustically trapped objects. Being part of the SFB project is a fantastic opportunity for me to collaborate with other researchers”.

We are honoured to have Franziska as part of our team and look forward to her contributions ahead.

Otmar Scherzer to be Speaker at CIMPA Research Summer School, Cuba

SFB Speaker Otmar Scherzer will be a speaker too at the CIMPA Research Summer School on “Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation in Medicine”, which will be held at the Universidad de La Habana, Cuba, on 4-7 June 2023. There, he will give lectures virtually on topics in inverse problems: an introductory lecture on tomography and a more advanced lecture on numerical inversion. Further details may be found via the link.

Otmar Scherzer gives talk in celebration of 20 years of RICAM and the 70th birthday of Prof. Heinz W. Engl

SFB Speaker Otmar Scherzer gave a talk on Newton methods for solving linear inverse problems with neural network coders at a colloquium in Linz which celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Johann Radon Instute (RICAM) and the 70th birthday of its founder, Prof. Heinz W. Engl.

Prof. Heinz W. Engl also gave an interview in which he was asked about how research has developed since his inception of the institute and what his own personal research highlights are, the transcript for which may be found here.

Meet our newest member: Christian Wald

Dr Christian Wald

“I recently joined the applied mathematics group of Gabriele Steidl at TU Berlin. Currently, I’m working on modelling the movement of single molecules in an environment of molecule clusters. My work also covers the estimation of model parameters from simulated, as well as measured data. While we start with classical Gaussian mixture models, we will investigate machine learning techniques for analysing the movement data. I’m very happy to collaborate with the group of Gerhard Schütz, who have a lot of experience with the corresponding microscopy methods”.

Christian did his PhD in Mathematics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on the topic of p-adic quantum groups. Thereafter, he joined the radiology group of Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin, where conducted research on deep learning for cardiac CT and image reconstruction with unrolled neural networks for multi-coil radial MRI.

We feel privileged to welcome Christian into our SFB family and foresee great things ahead.

Thirteenth Internal SFB Meeting

The 13th Internal SFB Meeting took place between 12-15 February in Villa Sonnwend, Roßleiten, Austria. It was an action-packed event featuring notable talks from members, as well as memorable debuts from external and international participants from realms as far flung as Finland.

Victoria Hutterer of the Johannes Kepler University Linz
Denise Schmutz of the University of Vienna
Fabian Hinterer of the Johannes Kepler University Linz

In addition to the talks, there was a free afternoon on Tuesday 14 February which coincided with Valentine’s Day.

The newest addition to our team: Stefanie Reiter

The SFB team welcomes its newest member Stefanie Reiter to its ranks. Stefanie had previously completed her bachelor’s and master’s studies at the University of Vienna’s Department of Astrophysics where she had worked on studying dust dynamics in planetary systems.

“I am currently working as a PhD student at the Department of Astrophysics at the University of Vienna on the research project “Interdisciplinary Advances in Extragalactic Archaeology”, which works towards the aim of identifying specific events in the formation histories of nearby galaxies, using orbit-based dynamical modelling in combination with stellar population labels, as certain quantities are approximately conserved during a galaxy’s evolution. For this project, I am working on applying new uncertainty quantification methods for the models and including additional stellar population labels”.
Stefanie Reiter