We are pleased to announce that the paper A mathematical framework for nonlinear wavefront reconstruction in adaptive optics systems with Fourier-type wavefront sensing, co-authored by our SFB member, Victoria Hutterer, together with Andreas Neubauer and Julia Shatokhina, has been selected to be part of the special celebratory collections of articles published in 2023 by researchers in Austria. This achievement highlights the cutting-edge research of the subproject Tomography in Astronomy – Adaptive Optics led by prof. Ronny Ramlau.
PhD defense: Fabian Hinterer
We are happy to announce that Fabian Hinterer, PhD student in Sub-project Tomography with Astronomy, defended successfully his PhD thesis with the title “Inverse Problems in Imaging Applications Across the Scales” on 3rd of November, 2023. A link to his thesis can be found here.
Fabian was a PhD student under the supervision of Ronny Ramlau, principal investigator of Sub-project Tomography in Astronomy, at the Industrial Mathematics Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Members of the SFB took part in Fabian’s ceremony and presented him with a joint gift afterwards!
We congratulate!
SFB goes to the AIP23
In the first week of September the 11th Applied Inverse Problems Conference took place in Göttingen, Germany. Eight of our SFB project coordinators and members participated at this conference. All participants used the opportunity to present their recent and ongoing research in various minisymposia. In addition, four minisymposia at this conference were organized by Peter Elbau, Ekaterina Sherina, Michael Quellmalz and Leopold Veselka.
SFB Members at the RICAM Special Semester – Workshop 5
The Special Semester on “Tomography Across the Scales” concluded with its final workshop on “Inverse Problems in Large Scales” and spanned the interval between 28 November – 2 December 2022.

There, SFB member Fabian Hinterer gave a talk on “a projected Nesterov-Kaczmarz approach to stellar population distribution reconstruction in Extragalactic Archaeology” in the presence of experts spanning the various mathematical branches that are connected to inverse problems. Other SFB members were also participants, including organisers Otmar Scherzer and Ronny Ramlau, as well as Peter Elbau, Michael Quellmalz, Ekaterina Sherina, Simon Hubmer and Kemal Raik.

We would once again like to thank the organisers for their hospitality and providing the platform for experts in the area to share and exchange ideas.
SFB Members at the RICAM – Special Semester
From 10th to 21st of October, the first two workshop-weeks of the RICAM Special Semester “Tomography across the Scales” took place at the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics in Linz. There, Fabian Hinterer, Simon Hubmer, Michael Quellmalz, Ekaterina Sherina and Leopold Veselka, all members of the mathematical subprojects within the SFB project, were invited to present their latest scientific advances to an audience of experts in the various fields of Inverse Problems.
Furthermore, the members got the chance to exchange ideas with other researchers and to benefit from external input.
We express our gratitude to the organizers for the invitation and the hospitality during these perfectly organized workshops!

SFB at the RICAM – Special Semester
Currently, the autumn school as part of the Special Semester “Tomography Across the Scales” takes places at the RICAM in Linz. Peter Elbau, one of our project leaders, was invited to give an introductory lecture on the mathematics behind optical coherence tomography. The audience, including several members of SFB, warmly welcomed the intuitive and very well presented lecture on this highly complex topic.

PhD position at RICAM
How mathematics provide a sharper view into the cosmos
Adaptive optics in ophthalmic imaging
Günter Auzinger (JKU, Linz), associate member at Tomography in Astronomy group, writes on ECMI Blog:
A problem at the low end of the scale
Fabian Hinterer, soon employed as PhD student at Tomography in Astronomy group, writes on ECMI Blog: